We have a zero tolerance policy on customers exceeding our max purchase limits on our online Pokémon card shop. You may place another order on the following day, but multiple orders in the same day will likely be canceled and refunded.
Sometimes we put MAX 2x on items, like the Booster Boxes, so we can continue to offer product, at a reasonable price for longer, without running out, so we can build our small family business.
Please note that all refunds will be reduced by a 5% “restocking” fee to help offset the credit card processing fees we pay. We do not recoup those fees when a refund is issued.
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- Our emails will be relevant. We will only tell you when we have new products coming into stock.
- We won't sell or share your info. That's just weak.
Limits Per Customer or Order
As many Pokemon TCG products are in limited supply we have been setting Maximum Per Customer Limits.
If you try to place multiple orders to get around this limit we will refund them. We are not a huge company, and we're trying to make sure the most cards can get to the most players / collectors. We look at every order and will enforce this policy.